Olemans Glenn

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts

foto van mezelf veigar gif

calm and collected person



Birthday: 11/04
Gender: Male
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: Pizza!
Pinneapple on pizza?


You can always count on me when

you need someone to talk to regardless of topic, When you need help, I'll try to aid in whatever way I can

A funny story

After going out with 3 friends we came home at one of my friends, we decided to go for a swim in the pool. after a few minutes we realized some of us might had a glass to much to be able to safely swim. One friend who was already out of the pool asked us to help our fourth friend out of the pool since he clearly was incapable. Now both me and our other friend had both been drinking quite a bit ourselves. So we discussed we would just start with putting our Fourth friend on the stairs of the pool, we pick him up with just to realize after few meters, we were holding him upside down which explained to us quickly why he didn't cooperate at all.


held our friend upside down in the pool while trying to get him out.

zombie nian cat nyan cat

Hover me!